A Message from Your CSEA Chapter 262 Leadership

These are trying times.  On the one hand, we are told “You’ll be fine, you should be fine” and on the other hand we are told “The worst is yet to come.”  These mixed messages create confusion, frustration, anger, fear, and, perhaps worst of all, helplessness.  Our worst enemy right now is fear and panic, and we cannot fall into that trap.  We need to be cautious, not careless.  We need to prepare, not panic.  We should act on what we know, not on what we fear.  Here is what we KNOW:

At noon today, President Scroggins sent an email informing the campus community that the District is following guidelines from state and federal health officials.  President Scroggins’ message also discussed closures, self-isolation, and restrictions, which also follow federal and state guidelines.  Your Chapter leadership wants you to understand this letter describes what the District is doing.  This was not included in negotiations with CSEA, and some of the conditions mentioned are now being negotiated with the District.

On Tuesday, CSEA 262 and the District met to negotiate an appropriate response to the coronavirus outbreak, specifically regarding leaves and the Board’s granting paid administrative leave for employees testing positive for the virus.  CSEA’s chief concern was that testing was not available to the general public, so requiring a test was unattainable, and that employees would either come to work because they cannot get tested or stay home anyway and lose sick leave, vacation leave, or salary.  We told our story.  The District told theirs.  We exchanged concerns and interests, just as negotiations are supposed to go.

Chapter leadership decided not to notify members of the agreement until it was signed.  However, the entire situation is fluid and changes daily, sometimes more quickly.  Last night, the U.S. Senate passed a bill called the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” which provides leave options.  The District plans to inform the campus community of these options and how to take advantage of these options.  Please keep in mind that this information is coming from the District but has not been negotiated with CSEA.  While we do not need to negotiate law, CSEA does reserve the right to negotiate the effects of these laws, and we have the right to negotiate, or attempt to negotiate, something above and beyond the minimum requirements of the law.  CSEA has not waived these rights.

Your Chapter leadership wants you to know we are diligently looking out for you.  We are definitely NOT “doing nothing,” as so many people have been quick to criticize.  Your executive Board and Negotiating team are exchanging e-mails and texts at what can only be described as a furious rate, discussing issues as they happen, and there is a great deal happening.  Your safety and health are our primary, our supreme guiding principle in discussions with the District.

Your Chapter leadership also wants you to know that while all this coronavirus frenzy of activity is happening, we are not setting other issues and responsibilities aside.  We are actively planning and discussing using technology to conduct chapter meetings and CSEAS business that requires member approvals.  We are still representing members for evaluation, discipline, and working conditions, and we are very pleased to announce:

CSEA and the District have agreed to implement the COLA

salary increase of 3.26% retroactive to July 1, 2019,

which will be disbursed as a separate check (via direct deposit

or USPS) before the end of the fiscal year.


This should provide you with some peace of mind and help with your financial issues, particularly during this health crisis.

Yes, we buried the lead.  Rest assured, though, we are not “doing nothing,” and we want to ensure you are getting accurate information.  We are cautious about sending information to you that is still in discussion or changes so quickly.  We will, however, be communicating more effectively to ensure you have the information you need as soon as possible.

As always, we are working hard for you, our classified brothers and sisters and Mt. SAC family.

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