The negotiations team has some exciting news amid all of the stress and uncertainty lately.  We were able to sign an agreement with Dr. Scroggins to implement the full state-funded COLA for the 2019/2020 contract year.  I’m attaching the signed MOU to this email for your review.  Given the unique situation in which we find ourselves, I’m working with the CSEA field office to determine if this needs to be ratified, and if so, how we can ratify this agreement without actually meeting in person.  Thankfully, since we’ve already adopted online voting this should be fairly painless.  Thank you to everyone for being patient on the COLA as we learn to live with the student-centered funding formula. 

What happens next?  The COLA will be applied to the salary schedule effective for the April pay period, and payroll will begin computing back pay for all unit members from July 1, 2019 through April.  This back pay will be issued on a separate check in order to help minimize the potential disruption to our tax withholdings for our regular paycheck (a large increase in pay for a given month, such as from retro pay, would cause the payroll system to recalculate your withholding much higher for that check).   If you experience any difficulties with your pay related to the application of the COLA, please contact your assigned fellow unit member in payroll.  If you need further assistance beyond that, please feel free to reach out to a member of the chapter Executive Board or a Union Steward.

Thank you.  Be safe, be healthy, and continue to be the outstanding classified staff members that make Mt. SAC such a great place to work and learn.

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